calcium: info: Export started at 2016-11-22T23:04:52.181623 calcium: info: File: /home/someone/git/com.github/io7m/jcalcium/io7m-jcalcium-blender/src/test/resources/com/io7m/jcalcium/blender/error_keyframe_no_corresponding.blend.caj calcium: info: Log: /home/someone/git/com.github/io7m/jcalcium/io7m-jcalcium-blender/src/test/resources/com/io7m/jcalcium/blender/error_keyframe_no_corresponding.blend.caj.log calcium: error: A keyframe for a channel of a group is missing corresponding keyframes in the other group channels. Action: wrong_keyframe_count Group: pose.bones["Bone"].location Frame at: 6 Channel: Y Channel with missing keyframe: Z Possible solution: Create a keyframe at frame 6 for channel Z of group pose.bones["Bone"].location calcium: error: A keyframe for a channel of a group is missing corresponding keyframes in the other group channels. Action: wrong_keyframe_count Group: pose.bones["Bone"].location Frame at: 6 Channel: Y Channel with missing keyframe: X Possible solution: Create a keyframe at frame 6 for channel X of group pose.bones["Bone"].location calcium: error: A keyframe for a channel of a group is missing corresponding keyframes in the other group channels. Action: wrong_keyframe_count Group: pose.bones["Bone"].location Frame at: 10 Channel: Z Channel with missing keyframe: Y Possible solution: Create a keyframe at frame 10 for channel Y of group pose.bones["Bone"].location calcium: error: A keyframe for a channel of a group is missing corresponding keyframes in the other group channels. Action: wrong_keyframe_count Group: pose.bones["Bone"].location Frame at: 10 Channel: X Channel with missing keyframe: Y Possible solution: Create a keyframe at frame 10 for channel Y of group pose.bones["Bone"].location calcium: error: Export failed with 4 errors.