10 layout(location = 0) out vec4 R2_out_eye_position;
15 uniform
float R2_depth_coefficient;
26 texture (R2_gbuffer.depth, screen_uv).x;
27 float eye_z_positive =
Viewport types and functions.
float R2_logDepthDecode(const float z, const float depth_coefficient)
vec2 R2_viewportFragmentPositionToUV(const R2_viewport_t v, const vec2 f_pos)
The type of view rays used to reconstruct positions during deferred rendering.
Logarithmic depth functions.
vec4 R2_positionReconstructFromEyeZ(const float eye_z, const vec2 uv, const R2_view_rays_t view_rays)
layout(location=0) out vec4 R2_out
RGBA color.
Functions for performing position reconstruction during deferred rendering.