R2 Shaders
sources Directory Reference


file  R2BilateralBlur.h [code]
 Functions for performing bilateral blurs.
file  R2Bilinear.h [code]
 Functions for performing bilinear interpolation.
file  R2BoxBlur.h [code]
 Functions for performing box blurs.
file  R2CubeMaps.h [code]
 Functions for dealing with cube maps.
file  R2DebugColorVertices.frag [code]
 Write the given color to the first fragment output.
file  R2DebugEyePositionReconstruction.frag [code]
 A fragment shader driver for reconstructing eye-space positions.
file  R2DebugEyeZReconstruction.frag [code]
 A fragment shader driver for reconstructing eye-space Z positions.
file  R2DebugIdentity.frag [code]
 Writes a constant color to the first fragment output.
file  R2DebugLogDepth.frag [code]
 Writes the logarithmic depth of the fragment to the first fragment output.
file  R2DebugLogDepthComposed.frag [code]
 Writes the logarithmic depth of the fragment to the first fragment output.
file  R2DebugNormalCompression.frag [code]
 Treats the input data as a normal vector, compresses it, and writes it to the first fragment output.
file  R2DebugPositionOnly.vert [code]
 Assumes vertex positions are in clip space and ignores other attributes.
file  R2DebugVisualConstant.frag [code]
 Write the given color to the first fragment output.
file  R2DebugVisualConstantScreen.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for full-screen debug geometry.
file  R2DepthBasic.h [code]
 Basic depth-only implementation that discards fragments based on the opacity of an albedo texture and a threshold value.
file  R2DepthBasicBatched.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2DepthBasic shader for batched instances.
file  R2DepthBasicSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2DepthBasic shader for single instances.
file  R2DepthBatched.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for batched instances.
file  R2DepthShaderDriverBatched.h [code]
 A fragment depth shader driver for batched instances.
file  R2DepthShaderDriverSingle.h [code]
 A fragment shader driver for single instance depth shaders.
file  R2DepthShaderMain.h [code]
 The main function that all depth shaders must implement.
file  R2DepthSingle.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for single (depth-only) instances.
file  R2DepthTypes.h [code]
 Types related to depth/depth-variance rendering.
file  R2EnvironmentReflection.h [code]
 Functions for environment-mapped reflections.
file  R2Filter.vert [code]
 Full-screen filter vertex shader.
file  R2FilterBilateralBlurDepthAwareHorizontal4f.frag [code]
 Horizontal RGBA bilateral depth-aware blur filter.
file  R2FilterBilateralBlurDepthAwareVertical4f.frag [code]
 Vertical RGBA bilateral depth-aware blur filter.
file  R2FilterBoxBlurHorizontal4f.frag [code]
 Horizontal RGBA box blur filter.
file  R2FilterBoxBlurVertical4f.frag [code]
 Vertical RGBA box blur filter.
file  R2FilterEmission.frag [code]
 Emission filter.
file  R2FilterLightApplicator.frag [code]
 Light application filter.
file  R2FilterOcclusionApplicator.frag [code]
 Occlusion application filter.
file  R2FilterTextureShow.frag [code]
 Texture display filter.
file  R2FXAA.h [code]
 FXAA fragment shader.
file  R2FXAAFragment.h [code]
 FXAA fragment shader.
file  R2GBufferInput.h [code]
 The textures that make up the G-Buffer.
file  R2GBufferOutput.h [code]
 The G-Buffer format.
file  R2LightAmbient.h [code]
 Functions and types related to ambient lighting.
file  R2LightAmbientSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightAmbientWithOcclusion shader for single instances.
file  R2LightAmbientSingle.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for full-screen single-instance ambient lights.
file  R2LightAmbientWithOcclusion.h [code]
 A trivial ambient light with mapped occlusion.
file  R2LightDirectional.h [code]
 Functions and types related to directional lighting.
file  R2LightDirectionalDebugConstant.h [code]
 A trivial directional light that simply ignores the surface and applies a constant color.
file  R2LightDirectionalDebugConstantSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightDirectionalDebugConstant shader for single instances.
file  R2LightDirectionalSingle.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for full-screen single-instance directional lights.
file  R2LightDirectionalSpecular.h [code]
 A trivial directional light with Phong specular highlights.
file  R2LightDirectionalSpecularSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightDirectionalSpecular shader for single instances.
file  R2LightMatrices.h [code]
 Matrices required by standard light types.
file  R2LightOutput.h [code]
 Types describing calculated light contributions.
file  R2LightPositional.h [code]
 Functions and types related to positional lighting.
file  R2LightPositionalSingle.vert [code]
 Single-instance positional light vertex shader.
file  R2LightProjective.h [code]
 Functions and types related to projective lighting.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambert.h [code]
 A projective light with no specular highlights.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertBlinnPhong.h [code]
 A projective light with Blinn-Phong specular highlights.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertBlinnPhongShadowVariance.h [code]
 A projective light with Blinn-Phong specular highlights and a variance shadow.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertBlinnPhongShadowVarianceSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightProjectiveLambertBlinnPhongShadowVariance shader for single instances.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertBlinnPhongSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightProjectiveLambertBlinnPhong shader for single instances.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertShadowVariance.h [code]
 A projective light with no specular highlights and a variance shadow.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertShadowVarianceSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightProjectiveLambertShadowVariance shader for single instances.
file  R2LightProjectiveLambertSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightProjectiveLambert shader for single instances.
file  R2LightShaderDriverSingle.h [code]
 A fragment shader driver for single instance lights.
file  R2LightShaderMain.h [code]
 The main function that all deferred light shaders must implement.
file  R2LightSpherical.h [code]
 Functions and types related to spherical lighting.
file  R2LightSphericalDebugAttenuation.h [code]
 A spherical light that ignores everything about the surface other than the position.
file  R2LightSphericalDebugAttenuationSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightSphericalDebugAttenuation shader for single instances.
file  R2LightSphericalDebugConstant.h [code]
 A spherical light that simply ignores the surface and applies a constant color.
file  R2LightSphericalDebugConstantSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightSphericalDebugConstant shader for single instances.
file  R2LightSphericalLambert.h [code]
 A spherical light with no specular highlights.
file  R2LightSphericalLambertBlinnPhong.h [code]
 A spherical light with Blinn-Phong specular highlights.
file  R2LightSphericalLambertBlinnPhongSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightSphericalLambertBlinnPhong shader for single instances.
file  R2LightSphericalLambertPhong.h [code]
 A spherical light with Phong specular highlights.
file  R2LightSphericalLambertPhongSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightSphericalLambertPhong shader for single instances.
file  R2LightSphericalLambertSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2LightSphericalLambert shader for single instances.
file  R2LightVertex.h [code]
 Data required by each vertex in deferred light rendering, provided as vertex attributes.
file  R2LogDepth.h [code]
 Logarithmic depth functions.
file  R2LogDepthOnlySingle.frag [code]
 Single-instance logarithmic depth only fragment shader.
file  R2LogDepthOnlySingle.vert [code]
 Single-instance logarithmic depth only vertex shader.
file  R2Normals.h [code]
 Functions for transforming normal vectors.
file  R2Nothing.frag [code]
 A fragment shader that does nothing.
file  R2PositionReconstruction.h [code]
 Functions for performing position reconstruction during deferred rendering.
file  R2ReconstructedSurface.h [code]
 Surface data reconstructed from the G-Buffer.
file  R2ShadowVariance.h [code]
 Functions for variance shadows.
file  R2SSAO.frag [code]
 Fragment shader for calculating an ambient occlusion term.
file  R2StencilScreen.vert [code]
 Screen stencil vertex shader.
file  R2StencilSingle.vert [code]
 Single-instance stencil vertex shader.
file  R2SurfaceBasic.h [code]
 Basic surface implementation.
file  R2SurfaceBasicBatched.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2SurfaceBasic shader for batched instances.
file  R2SurfaceBasicReflective.h [code]
 Basic pseudo-reflective (environment mapped) deferred surface implementation.
file  R2SurfaceBasicReflectiveSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2SurfaceBasicReflective shader for single instances.
file  R2SurfaceBasicSingle.frag [code]
 An instantiation of the R2SurfaceBasic shader for single instances.
file  R2SurfaceBasicTypes.h [code]
 Types for basic surfaces.
file  R2SurfaceBatched.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for batched instances.
file  R2SurfaceOutput.h [code]
 Types describing calculated surfaces.
file  R2SurfaceShaderDriverBatched.h [code]
 A fragment shader driver for batched instance surfaces.
file  R2SurfaceShaderDriverSingle.h [code]
 A fragment shader driver for single instance surfaces.
file  R2SurfaceShaderMain.h [code]
 The main function that all deferred surface shaders must implement.
file  R2SurfaceSingle.vert [code]
 A vertex shader for single instances.
file  R2SurfaceTypes.h [code]
 Types for deferred surface shading.
file  R2SurfaceVertex.h [code]
 Data required by each vertex in deferred rendering, provided as vertex attributes.
file  R2SurfaceVertexBatched.h [code]
 Data delivered via vertex attributes to batched instances in deferred rendering.
file  R2View.h [code]
 Types relating to the view.
file  R2Viewport.h [code]
 Viewport types and functions.
file  R2ViewRays.h [code]
 View ray types.
file  R2White.frag [code]
 Mindlessly write opaque white to the first fragment output.